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Eng. Nezamabadi contracted the Power Purchase Agreement of Khomein 10 MW solar power plant.

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Bandar-e Mahshahr, Petro Caspian medium voltage (36 kV) panel was tested under 72 kV voltage and successfully passed all the tests.


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In view of obtaining the qualification of Fajr Company, the central panel is in the manufacture of boards: 1 - panel and distribution 2 - constant low pressure panel 3 - traditional average pressure switch 4 - control panel and control panel 5 - control panel and process from Tavanir company, It informs that the company was only listed in the above mentioned list of manufacturers of Alborz Electric Power Distribution Company.

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Head office: Unit 15, No. 10, Seyyed Jamaloddin Asad Abadi Ave. 54, Tehran, Iran

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Phone: +98 86 34130501-3

Work from the Research and Development Unit of Fajr Central Bank. Copyright is reserved.
